Monday, April 4, 2011



On March 25th Apple is going to be releasing their second generation of the iPad which is called the iPad 2. The replacement of their original product shows that this is a result of Apple’s determination to out shine it’s competitors by continuing to lead the market. The original has sold over 15 million units in 9 months with over 65,000 apps. The only difference between this model and their original are some specifications such as the graphics, cpu and two cameras – one front facing and the other back facing. The iPad ideally is just for simple activities such as surfing the web, sending e-mails, sharing photos and watching movies. Overall the iPad 2 is the perfect combination of technology and liberal arts.

            Their introduction of their second generation tablet appears to be a great intellectual move by Apple because this ties into the aggregate demand factor “new product”. Since this introduction is about the second generation tablet this proves to the consumers that their first generation was a success in result revealing Apple’s determination. The iPad 2 may change those who have questioned their first generation tablet changing their spending patterns. Lifestyles of consumers may change as they may choose the product over books or use their iPad 2 as a daily scheduler. In result the introduction of this new product certainly will be a game changer as many competitors would have to compete with apple’s huge consumer base and the result of such demand causes price increases.


            As a owner of an iPad 2 this has certainly changed my lifestyle because as mentioned above I use this product to read books and watch movies when I could be watching it in theaters. I have seen the product change the lifestyles of other people because they use the product in the same manner as I do but often a lot more such as Facetime conversations. The demand of the product certainly shows because of people who are willing to line up 24 hours before launch and with this high volume of demand Apple certainly wouldn’t price their second generation tablet for a generous price, in fact the prices roam around $500 per unit. $500 for technology that makes life easier and a lot more fun, to me sounds like it’s worth it with no regrets.


  1. I agree with your statement about how Apple's continuous release of new products may influence a consumer's spending patterns and lifestyle, especially if the products make daily life more convenient. People might pass up other goods such as a new phone to purchase this product. I think by rapidly releasing new products, Apple appeals to just about everyone, since every new product has features that might suit people who didn't purchase previous generations. I also agree that the high demand for the Ipad 2 will cause price increases. Overall, this was a very well written and organized summary.

  2. I also agree of how Apple's is continuing to release new products. The reason for that is because people do not care about the price, all they care about is buying the brand.. Which is not a regret at all for them. Every new product from Apple's comes with alot of apps, so therefore people could do alot of things such as facetime, wifi, games and many more. Overall I enjoyed reading upon your post.

  3. I agree with your connections about how this relates to the factor of introduction of a product and also a new product release. The introduction of a new product affects people psychologically as well. People's taste and preferences are affected by the improvements and developments in the Ipad 2. Which will then affect the overall consumption because of the increase in spending. Increase in spending connects to the increase in high-income earners. I personally think the Ipad 2 is a very cool and convenient device. It is similar to a lap top but different in so many ways. With the new Ipad 2 it allows you to FaceTime, access to WiFi, has the ability to operate 3G and the housing is much nicer. The launch of this Ipad 2 has made a significant impact on the economy and overall level of consumption.
