Monday, April 11, 2011

The Great Depression and The Recession

1. How did The Great Depression start?

The main reason The Great Depression started was because of the stock market crash of 1929 which in result created a spiraling domino effect because after the market crash it lead to :

  • Bank failures
  • Conservation of income
  • Noneffective goods production
  • Drastic unemployment rate increases
  • Trading barriers that caused frustration during exports/imports.
2. How did the recent recession start?

The recent recession of 2007 started mainly because of the huge deficit that the US had created as well as the real estate market crash which caused a domino effect that lead to: 
  • GDP & Capital investment decrease
  • Industrial output decline
  • Drastic unemployment rate increases
  • Increased fuel prices
  • Sluggish income flow
3. How did the gov't take part of the following event? Were they successful attempts?

The gov't took huge roles to aid the process of recovery of both depression and recession. During the depression the gov't
  • Heavily taxed imports
  • Social services increase
  • Food vouchers
  • New jobs
During the recession of 2007 the gov't took the roles of :
  • Bailout's for large corporates
  • Bankruptcy prevention programs
  • Employment increases
  • Stabilizing real estate markets
4. What factors are now present that were not during "The Great Depression"?

The advantages that we have now in a modern society compared to the past of 1929 are:
  • Era of technology
  • Government support of services
  • Banking tactics
  • Recorded studies of past mistakes
5. How did these 2 events affected United States GDP?

Clearly during these events, GDP definitely dropped and there were many factors that contributed towards the decrease of GDP and they were :
  • Huge conservation of money because of society's fear.
  • Luxury items were second thoughts which lead to over production.
  • All points mentioned above.
Since there was a drop in the GDP rates this meant that US Dollars aren't as valuable and employment, production were scarce.

6. Reflection of which one made the biggest impact

I strongly believe that "The Great Depression" caused the greatest impact of a countries financial history. The depression literally brought many people into immense levels of stress because of low incomes, no jobs, scarce food. The Great Depression lasted for 10 years which is incomparable to the recent recession since the event did not bring the economy to a complete halt. 1929 was the very early years of the development of industries so they were unexperienced which lead do the disastrous stock market crash. Overall "The Great Depression" created the most impact and many has learned from it.

Monday, April 4, 2011



On March 25th Apple is going to be releasing their second generation of the iPad which is called the iPad 2. The replacement of their original product shows that this is a result of Apple’s determination to out shine it’s competitors by continuing to lead the market. The original has sold over 15 million units in 9 months with over 65,000 apps. The only difference between this model and their original are some specifications such as the graphics, cpu and two cameras – one front facing and the other back facing. The iPad ideally is just for simple activities such as surfing the web, sending e-mails, sharing photos and watching movies. Overall the iPad 2 is the perfect combination of technology and liberal arts.

            Their introduction of their second generation tablet appears to be a great intellectual move by Apple because this ties into the aggregate demand factor “new product”. Since this introduction is about the second generation tablet this proves to the consumers that their first generation was a success in result revealing Apple’s determination. The iPad 2 may change those who have questioned their first generation tablet changing their spending patterns. Lifestyles of consumers may change as they may choose the product over books or use their iPad 2 as a daily scheduler. In result the introduction of this new product certainly will be a game changer as many competitors would have to compete with apple’s huge consumer base and the result of such demand causes price increases.


            As a owner of an iPad 2 this has certainly changed my lifestyle because as mentioned above I use this product to read books and watch movies when I could be watching it in theaters. I have seen the product change the lifestyles of other people because they use the product in the same manner as I do but often a lot more such as Facetime conversations. The demand of the product certainly shows because of people who are willing to line up 24 hours before launch and with this high volume of demand Apple certainly wouldn’t price their second generation tablet for a generous price, in fact the prices roam around $500 per unit. $500 for technology that makes life easier and a lot more fun, to me sounds like it’s worth it with no regrets.